LOCAL: (219) 838-1331

About Us

About Williams Florist


Flowers are a proven stress reliever. Ordering from your local florist should be a stressfree experience. That’s where we come in! At WILLIAMS FLORIST, we believe the flower buying experience should be as beautiful for our customer as the flowers they are purchasing. As your local Highland florist, we can provide florals for all occasions. We have a wide variety of everyday flower arrangements including birthday, anniversary, and new baby.

Funeral and Sympathy Flowers

We understand that losing a friend or loved one is difficult. Our staff will gladly help guide you while choosing funeral flowers that embody the spirit of your loved one, as well as meet your budget. From casket and standing sprays to memorial pieces, we will design something to perfectly convey your feelings. We offer daily delivery to funeral homes in the Highland area. 

Wedding Flowers

Your special day deserves equally special flowers! We love working with brides to design the wedding flowers of their dreams that will also fit their budget. We can also provide florals for other special events. Our talented designers would love to chat with you during your free consultation. 

Plants, Gifts, and More

In addition to flowers, we carry a wide selection of house and blooming plants. From succulent and dish gardens to peace lilies, we will help you find the best type of plant for your home or office. Looking for a great gift? We also carry candles, gift items, and more. The next time you are in Highland, IN make sure to stop by WILLIAMS FLORIST! We want to help you find the perfect flowers or gifts for all occasions.